Montag, 31. Dezember 2012

new 2m Transverter

my as diploma thesis developed transverter got a recent addition to make it useable for S&P work also: a SI570 oscillator bought as kit from SDR kits. Ton, PA0KLT was so kind to produce a special firmware to allow a lower IF (122.6MHz LO to mix 144MHz down to 21.4MHz), where a monolithic quarzfilter filters the RX and TX path. This allows a low-phasenoise output in crowded RF environments like JO60. The normal operation is done with a OCXO (for CQ), but this limits the frequency output to +/-5KHz whats
inside the XTAL fil. The SI570 is not used for CQing, although the output ist quite low in PN and spurs (SFDR > 100dB).
2m transverter blockdiagram

2m transverter frontview with SDR-Kits Si570 LO

top view transverter, lots of filtering inside :-)

Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

networked logging with win-test (WT-Tunnel)

Well, in SO2R contests you can at least let a CQ run (which never results in a high rate with low power), and do some S&P in parallel. If you have access to a remote site in 2km diameter, like me, you can do this on the same band,if the TRXs are good enough decoupled. For now you can download the "wt-tunnel" software to connect 2 Win-Tests via Inet together. You need




Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

Result All Asian Contest CW 12

All Asian DX Contest CW (non Asia) 2012
Result overview of DM3F

        Good  Invalid Dupe  Deleted
 Band   QSOs   QSOs   QSOs   QSOs   Mul      Pts

 160m      0      0      0      0     0        0
  80m     12      0      1      0     9       24
  40m     23      1      0      0    19       23
  20m    115      1      0      0    83      115
  15m    168      0      1      0    99      168
  10m      3      0      0      0     3        6

  all    321      2      2      0   213      336

Final result = 336 * 213 = 71.568

Sonntag, 15. April 2012

SOTA Lilienstein

First activation this year. Agn active on 30m. Harald, DG3UH was activating Sächsische Bergwertung on VHF (incl. 23cm). Thanks for all QSOs.

Activated SOTA Summits Height Points QSO
1 DM/SX-057 Lilienstein 415m 2 42
Σ 2 42

Countries worked QSO

2 DL Deutschland 13
3 F France 2
4 G England 8
5 HA Hungary 2
6 HB9 Switzerland 3
7 I Italy 1
8 LY Lithuania 1
9 OE Austria 3
10 OK Czech Rep. 2
11 OM Slovakia 3
12 PA Netherlands 2
13 S5 Slovenia 1
Σ 13 42

Band QSO
10.0MHZ 11
7.0MHZ 31
Σ 42

Mode QSO
CW 42
Σ 42